

Ефим Яковлевич

Yefim Yakovlevich

  Карповский Ефим Яковлевич (1945 – 1999)

C 1994 по 1999 гг. кафедрой физики заведует Ефим Яковлевич Карповский доктор технических наук (1984), профессор – ученый, известный своими работами в области теории систем управления и нечетких множеств. Под его руководством в состав кафедры был включен вычислительный центр ОГМУ, обновлен парк вычислительной техники, значительно расширена межкафедральная интеграция научной работы кафедры, впервые в Украине начато преподавание на иностранных языках. Одновременно, будучи проректором ОГМУ по экономике, Е.Я. Карповский выполнил большую работу по переводу вуза на самообеспечение и развитие творческих контактов с ведущими зарубежными медицинскими центрами. Исключительно высокая личная самодисциплина, целеустремленность, требовательность к себе, подчиненным и результатам работы сочеталась у Е.Я. Карповского с неослабным вниманием к сотрудникам, их нуждам и заботам.

    Professor Y.Ya.Karpovsky (Doctor’s Degree on technical sciences - 1984) was a Head of Physical Department in 19941999. He was well known scientist famous due to his researches on the theory of control systems and uncertain compositions.

     Several significant and principal steps in development of the Physical Department were done under his advice and supervision. Particularly the computer center of Odessa State Medical University was included into the structure of Physical Department, the computer equipment  was extended and modernized. An integration and cooperation is scientific  researches between different departments was also extended and optimized; the teaching process on the foreign languages started that was a first experience of this kind in Ukraine.

      Simultaneously Y.Ya.Karpovsky worked as a Vice-Rector (Economics) of the University. He did a great amount of work for to find and organize an conomically profitable regime of work of the University in that difficult economic conditions. He also actively worked on the development of international contacts of the University, including cooperation with a leading medical centers around the world.   

      Professor Y.Ya.Karpovsky was an outstanding personality whose character included self-discipline, determination and high standards of judging and estimation, but simultaneously he was kind and polite with collaborators and attentive to their needs and problems.


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