Mandel Alexander
Affiliation and official address:
Odessa Govermental Medical University, 2 Vallechovsky Lane, Odessa-26, Ukraine
Education (degrees, dates, universities)
1987- 1992 I.I.Mechnikov's Odessa State University (now I.I.Mechnikov's Odessa National University);
1998- PhD Thesis "Stable and Critical Regimes of Heat and Mass Exchange of Carbon Particle in the Laser Radiation Field ". Thesis was defended at I.I.Mechnikov's Odessa State University.
1992 - research worker and Assistant Prof. in I.I.Mechnikov Odessa State University and in Physical Scientific Research Institute.
Since 1994 - Assistant Prof. in Dept. of Biophysics, Medical Informatics and Medical Devices of Odessa State Medical University;
Since 2000 - Associate Prof. in Dept. of Biophysics, Medical Informatics and Medical Devices of Odessa State Medical University.
Specialization (specify)
(i) main field
(ii) other field
(iii) current research interest
Effects of magnetic fields upon brain activity and behaviour.
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of
Professional Societies
Fellowship "Salzburg Cornell Seminars in Neurology" (Austria, 2000)
- Number of papers in refereed journals: 6
- Number of communications to scientific meetings: 6
- Number of books: -
Recent selected publications
Authors: Godlevsky L.S., Barnyak E.M., Mazko A.M., Mandel A.V., Oleinik A.A.,
Zhilinskaya A.V.. Brusentsov A.I.
Title: The Influence of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Epileptoformic Activity in Rats with Electrostimulated Kindling.
Source: Neurophysiology, V.33, #2, 2001, P.129-133.
Discipl. Neurosciences & Behavior
Document: Article
Language: Russian (translated to English)
Publisher: Pergamon Press, USA
Authors: Kalinchak V.V., Orlovskaya S.G., Mandel A.V..
Title: The Stable and Critical Regimes of Heat and Mass Transfer for a Carbon Particle in the Laser Radiation Field Source: Physics of Combustion and Flame. - 2000.
Page: Vol. 36, ¹2, pp.S. 27-32.
Discipl. Aerosol Sciences
Document: Article
Language: Russian
Publisher: Russian Academy of Science
Authors: Kalinchak V.V., Orlovskaya S.G., Mandel A.V..
Title: Stable and Critical Regimes of Heat and Mass Transfer for a Carbon Particle in the Field of Laser Radiation in View of Stefan Flow.
Source: High Temperature. - 1998.
Page: Vol. 36., ¹ 5, pp. 722-729.
Discipl. Aerosol Sciences
Document: Article
Language: English (translated from "Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur", Vol. 36., ¹5, 1998, pp.746-753).
Publisher: Pergamon Press, USA